Responsibility for policy: Managing Director
Approving authority: Board of Directors
Last reviewed: August 2022
Next review date: August 2027
This policy applies to all employees of Buildmedia.
The purpose of this policy is to outline Buildmedia’s approach towards employing people with unique backgrounds and experiences. Rich backgrounds, experience and perspectives are critical to build a leading edge business and deliver for our customers. Buildmedia is committed to pay parity as well as attracting, recruiting, developing, promoting and retaining a diverse group of talented individuals, who will help drive Buildmedia’s business performance.
Board of Directors - Responsible for approving the measurable objectives developed by management and conducting assessment of this policy, its objectives and the progress made towards achieving them.
Managing Director/Team Leads - Responsible for developing and, once approved by the Board, implementing the measurable objectives for achieving diversity and inclusion. Also responsible for reporting to the board on diversity initiatives and progress against the measurable objectives.
All employees - Awareness of Buildmedia’s commitment to diversity and inclusion in its workforce and adherence to this diversity and inclusion policy.