Responsibility for policy: Managing Director
Approving authority: Board of Directors
Last reviewed: August 2022
Next review date: August 2027
This policy applies to all employees of Buildmedia.
This policy shows Buildmedia’s commitment to responsible sourcing and the endorsement of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. In line with the Fundamental Principles, we base our Human Rights commitment on the International Bill of Human Rights consisting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; and the International Labour Organisation’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We support the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and resulting commitments to compliance with applicable laws, and to fighting corruption in all its forms.
This policy outlines the expectations we have of our suppliers and their subcontractors. A violation of this policy constitutes a breach of an agreement with Buildmedia, which may result in us ending a partner relationship.
We require all suppliers who work with or for Buildmedia to respect and comply with these Mandatory Requirements.
Business is conducted lawfully and with integrity
Compliance with Laws and Regulations in a company’s country of operation(s).
Prohibition on any and and all forms of bribery, corruption, extortion or embezzlement.
Any and all conflict of interest in any business dealings with Buildmedia that the supplier is aware of to be declared to allow Buildmedia to take appropriate action.
Any business entertaining, hospitality or gifts are in reasonable nature and are entirely for the purpose of maintaining good business relations and not to influence any Buildmedia decisions.
All competitor information is obtained and used legitimately and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Buildmedia’s confidential information must not be shared with any third party unless expressly permitted by Buildmedia.
All business and commercial dealings are transparently performed and accurately recorded in the supplier’s books and records. There is no actual or attempted participation in money laundering. No confidential information in the supplier’s possession regarding Buildmedia is used to either engage in or support insider trading.
All workers are treated equally and with respect and dignity
All workers are treated with respect and dignity. No worker is subject to any physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment, abuse or other form of intimidation. There is no discrimination in employment, including hiring, compensation, advancement, discipline, termination or retirement. Discrimination based on race, ethnicity, age, role, gender, gender identity, colour, religion, country of origin, sexual orientation, marital status, pregnancy, dependants, disability, social class, union membership or political views is prevented. In particular, attention is paid to the rights of workers most vulnerable to discrimination.
Work is conducted on a voluntary basis
Under no circumstances will a supplier use forced labour, whether in the form of compulsory or trafficked labour, indentured labour, bonded labour or other forms. Mental and physical coercion, slavery and human trafficking are prohibited.
All workers are of an appropriate age
Under no circumstances will a supplier employ individuals under the local legal minimum age for work or mandatory schooling, whichever is higher. When young workers are employed they must not do work that is mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous or harmful or interferes with their schooling by depriving them of the opportunity to attend school.
All workers are paid fair wages
All workers are provided with a total compensation package that includes wages, overtime pay, benefits and paid leave which meets or exceeds the legal minimum standards or appropriate prevailing industry standards, whichever is higher, and compensation terms established by legally binding collective bargaining agreements are implemented and adhered to.
Working hours for all workers are reasonable
Workers are not required to work more than the regular and overtime hours allowed by the law of the country where the workers are employed. All overtime work by workers is on a voluntary basis.
All workers’ health and safety are protected at work
A healthy and safe workplace is provided to prevent accidents and injury arising out of, linked with, or occurring in the course of work or as a result of the employer’s operations.
All workers have access to fair procedures and remedies
All workers are provided with transparent, fair and confidential procedures that result in swift, unbiased and fair resolution of difficulties which may arise as part of their working relationship.
Work is conducted on the basis of freely agreed and documented terms of employment
All workers, both permanent and casual, are provided with employment documents that are freely agreed and which respect their legal and contractual rights.
All workers are free to exercise their right to form and/or join trade unions or to refrain from doing so and to bargain collectively
The rights of workers to freedom of association and collective bargaining are recognised and respected. Workers are not intimidated or harassed in the exercise of their right to join or refrain from joining any organisation.
Business is conducted in a manner which embraces sustainability and reduces environmental impact
Operations, sourcing, manufacture, distribution of products and the supply of services are conducted with the aim of protecting and preserving the environment.
Any failure to comply with this Policy (including any failure by a worker of Buildmedia or anyone acting on behalf of Buildmedia) of which the supplier is aware should be reported to Buildmedia as soon as possible. Failure to do so will be a breach of this policy..
We strongly support a culture of speaking up for both suppliers and their workers without fear of retaliation against those who report actual or suspected breaches.
Suppliers, their employees, workers or contractors may report actual or suspected breaches of this policy to Buildmedia by phone or online. Reports can be submitted confidentially and anonymously (where permitted by law).
Buildmedia will investigate any concern raised and discuss findings with the supplier. The supplier shall assist with any such investigation and provide access to any information reasonably requested.
If remediation is required, the supplier will devise and inform Buildmedia of their corrective action and implementation plans and timeline to effectively and promptly resolve the breach.
The Company Shareholders, led by the Managing Director, is responsible for monitoring compliance with this policy and reporting any breaches to the remaining shareholders and Studio Manager, as well as assessing ways to continually improve.